API Calls

API Calls

Let's take a look at how to use api call.

You can find all your serverless API requests in /app/api. You can use await fetch or axios to make HTTP requests. For an example, you can check out /libs/api.ts, where Axios is used to create an HTTP request wrapper.

Regular api call

Here is an example public API endpoint for send email:

export async function POST(req) {
  try {
    // Extract the data from the request body
    const { to, title, content, from, head } = await req.json()
    // Configure the transporter
    const transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
      host: "",
      port: 465,
      secure: true, // true for 465, false for other ports
      auth: {
        user: "[email protected]",
        pass: "xxx",
      tls: {
        rejectUnauthorized: false, // 在某些环境下,设置为 false 可以避免认证问题
    // Define the email options
    const mailOptions = {
      from: `"${head}" <${from}>`,
      subject: title,
      html: content, // HTML content of the email
    // Send the email
    await transporter.sendMail(mailOptions)
    // Return a success response
    return NextResponse.json(
      { message: "Email sent successfully" },
      { status: 200 }
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Error sending email:", error)
    return NextResponse.json(
      { message: "Failed to send email", error: error.toString() },
      { status: 500 }

Protected api call

  • Here, you can use sessions to handle authentication checks and manage scenarios like redirecting to the login page.
export default async function DashboardPage() {
  const user = await getCurrentUser()
  if (!user) {
    redirect(authOptions?.pages?.signIn || "/login")
  const posts = await{
    where: {
      deleted: false,
    select: {
      id: true,
      title: true,
      published: true,
      createdAt: true,
    orderBy: {
      updatedAt: "desc",
  return (
      <DashboardHeader heading="Posts" text="Create and manage posts.">
        <PostCreateButton />
        {posts?.length ? (
          <div className="divide-y divide-border rounded-md border">
            { => (
              <PostItem key={} post={post} />
        ) : (
            <EmptyPlaceholder.Icon name="post" />
            <EmptyPlaceholder.Title>No posts created</EmptyPlaceholder.Title>
              You don&apos;t have any posts yet. Start creating content.
            <PostCreateButton variant="outline" />

db call

Here are some examples of CRUD operations, and you can also find many working examples in /app/api/:

  • Create user
async function createUser() {
  const newUser = await db.user.create({
    data: {
      email: "[email protected]",
      name: "Test User",
      credits: 10, // 初始化积分
  console.log("User Created:", newUser);
  return newUser;
  • Query user
async function getUserByEmail(email: string) {
  const user = await db.user.findUnique({
    where: {
  console.log("User Found:", user);
  return user;
  • Update user
async function updateUserCredits(email: string, newCredits: number) {
  const updatedUser = await db.user.update({
    where: {
    data: {
      credits: newCredits,
  console.log("User Updated:", updatedUser);
  return updatedUser;
  • Delete user
async function deleteUserByEmail(email: string) {
  const deletedUser = await db.user.delete({
    where: {
  console.log("User Deleted:", deletedUser);
  return deletedUser;